We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals” ~ Immanual Kant

The National Anti-Roadkill Project is Gearing-up to Implement Its Mission

The National Anti-Roadkill Project (NARP) is proud to announce its rebirth after it hit the stage in the New York Times with “A Highway Campaign to Save Animals”

By: Ira Fischer

Florida Panther (Photo: Biological Diversity)

The National Anti-Roadkill Project (NARP) is proud to announce its rebirth after it hit the stage in the New York Times with “A Highway Campaign to Save Animals“. However, it never took-off as the concept was ahead of its time. Its time has now arrived. After being dormant since the early 1990s, NARP is in the process of gearing-up for its rebirth. At the time, governmental agencies, philanthropists and the private sector were not ready to support an organization whose mission was to protect wildlife from the hazards of our roads and highways. NARP’s co-founder, Ira Fischer, believes that there are strong indications that its time has finally arrived.

Fischer points to the fact that President Biden recently signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 into law. It provides $350 million for new wildlife crossings to improve habitat connectivity. These funds will make roads less lethal for wildlife that must cross for their survival. It will also create passages across roads that otherwise would result in habitat fragmentation by blocking migration routes.

Wildlife crossing DelhiMumbai Expressway

The fatalities of millions of animals on our nation’s roads needs to be addressed full-throttle by an NGO dedicated to mitigating this carnage. While a few organizations, on occasion, embark upon this need on a local level, none have as their mission to ameliorate the roadkill issue.

NARP distinguished itself as the only entity that is exclusively dedicated to protect wildlife from the hazards of our roads. The mission of NARP is to protect America’s wildlife that are at risk when forced to cross highways and roads for their survival. NARP is committed to significantly reduce the over 1 million deaths daily and countless crippling injuries that wildlife suffers as a result of vehicular traffic. This endeavor is particularly critical for endangered species, such as the Florida panther whose leading cause of mortality is motor vehicle collisions.

Racoon peering at a road while clinging to a log (Photo: Florida Weekly)

The time is long past due to address this vital issue head-on with a new paradigm that finds it unacceptable to continue the mindset that maiming and killing wildlife is simply a price to pay for the convenience of driving in the modern age. NARP will champion intolerance for the needless toll suffered by animals on our roads by embarking on campaigns to address this matter with a multi-dimensional approach commensurate with the magnitude of the problem.

About Ira Fischer

NARP’s co-founder, Ira Fischer, devotes his retirement from the practice of law to the cause of animal welfare through advocacy. The mission of Fischer’s personal website is Kindness and Compassion for Animals. Whenever he comes across an injured animal by a road, he tries his darned best to rescue the creature.

Rescued Florida Panther Kitten (Video: Lowry Park Zoo)